Much has been said about the Samsung Galaxy S4 since it launched. Folks doubted its ability to live up to expectations a half-dozen different ways, from how it’s been more of an iterative release compared to all the devices before it to how Samsung’s marketing has gotten stale, but that doesn’t seem to matter much to the common consumer.
If recent reports out of South Korea are accurate, Samsung has reached a major milestone by selling 20 million Samsung Galaxy S4 units. Samsung reached that milestone in about 100 days with the Samsung Galaxy S3. For the Galaxy S4, it’s been just over two months.
That is a breakneck pace that Samsung has never experienced before, and the company expects to sell 100 million units of the thing by the time it’s all said and done, something that would be a company first. We reviewed the Samsung Galaxy S4 and praised it for building on its predecessor enough to call it a worthy sequel. We mentioned Galaxy S3 or Note 2 owners might not be as inclined to upgrade, but the device would be a fine catch for pretty much anyone looking for an exciting new smartphone.
Indeed, there seems to have been more than enough people who thought it was a big enough upgrade to spend another wad of cash to stay aboard the Samsung train. It’ll be interesting to revisit these numbers once the end of the summer approaches — we could see Samsung well on its way to selling half of 100 million in less than 6 months at this pace, a number that no one would be able to sneeze at.
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